Graphics & Prints

Graphics & Prints

Veröffentlicht am 04 Avr 2017

Graphics & Prints   Icon Grafikdesign - 123-Imageprocessing

What are graphics & prints?
Graphics and prints are the tangible results of the company’s design and advertisement teams that demonstrate the results of the conception, design and production of the use of graphics and prints.

Well-managed brands not only distinguish themselves through a corporate design on every communication channel, but they also consider the media-specific characteristics of the brand’s appearance. The customers should respond and interact with the company and this is mainly done through the graphics and prints. To begin creating a graphic or print, there is the conception of the idea and the production planning of the desired end result. Next comes the design with the decision of the specific forms of media the design will be displayed on, whether that is mailings, catalogues, flyers or brochures. The production of the print takes more than just printing the design out, it also involves proofing, distribution and contact management.

Grafik & Design

Example: Brochures and pamphlets are just a few of the many examples that are highly beneficial for companies and organizations to spread more awareness.

Alternative spellings: mass communication, advertisements, design format, design structure

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